The best time of the year for icefishing is coming up with more daylight and frozen lakes.  Gustaf went to Sydridalsvatn (lake) and here is a nice video in Icelandic.

Gústaf Gústafsson has a passion for fishing.  He runs a fishing blog in Icelandic.  He has recently started to try out the icefishing.  Here you can see results from his trip to Sydridalsvatn, in the west part of the country.  He didn´t catch any but there were a lot of life under the ice as you can see in the video below.  Hopefully we will see more from him, but if we know him right, he has not given up!

In this video we can see how effective it is to drop some rices to the black bottom of the lake.  Then you can more easily see courious fishes swimming around.

Here below you can see Gustaf´s blogsite and YOUTUBE channel.  "He has been around, you know!"

Veiðibloggið  (Gustaf´s fishing blog in Icelandic)

Gutaf´s YOUTUBE channel


Tight lines!!



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