


Kleifarvatn is located at Reykjanesskagi, lying between Sveifluháls and Vatnshlíð, roughly between Reykjavik and Keflavik.

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township

The distance from Reykjavik is about 34 km. Access is very easy, since the lake lies next to the Krísuvíkurleið at Hafnarfjörður.

Practical information

Kleifarvatn is one of Iceland’s largest lakes, covering about 8m2.  It rises 136 m. above sea level, with the deepest point at 90 m, near Syðri Stapi. Average depth is approx. 29 m.  The Angling Club of Hafnarfjörður (Stangaveiðifélag Hafnarfjarðar) administrates the fishing rights.

Fishing area

No restrictions.


There is no accommodation available at the lake.

Fishing potential  

Kleifarvatn is renowned for unusually large brown trout. One might also expect sizeable char.

Daily opening hours

No limits.


April 15th to September 30th.


Only fly, worm and lure.

Best time of the day

Mornings and evenings.


Cardholders must have the Veiðikortið card handy and an appropriate ID on their person, ready for inspection at any time. Littering is strictly forbidden. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholders.
The catch must be announced to veidikortid@veidikortid.is.

Contact / Landlord

Stangaveiðifélag Hafnarfjarðar (The Angling Club of Hafnarfjörður).  Tel: (+354) 565-4020. 
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