The fishing partners, Elías Pétur Þórarinsson and Óskar Bjarnason last weekend visited the Skagaheidi, the Ölvesvatn (nr. 35)  area that is in the Fishing Card. The area was quite vivid, lot of fish and flies that is the main reason for the nice weight of the fish there.

Here below are some photos from them. Please endjoy and remember that up there is a limited rods so please book in advance to be sure it isn´t fully book when you arrive.


Elías Pétur with a nice brown trout.


Óskar Bjarnason with a nice char.


When there is a lot of activity in the surface, that is a great GOPRO memories.


Releasing nice char.


Lot of food supplies for the fish to grow bigger.  Better take the fly net with you!


Tight lines!

Veiðikortið / The Fishing Card






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