(Lake Sænaut)
Sænautavatn is located at Jökuldalsheiði, by Sænautasel, in the North-East of Iceland.
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavík is 600 km, 74 km from Egilsstaðir and 13 km, from Highway 1.
Practical information:
The Lónskvísl river, one of Hofsá river’s tributaries, has its origin there.
Halldor Laxness, Iceland best known author and a Nobel laureate, stayed in Sænautasel on his journey from eastern Iceland to Reykjavik in 1926. That small farm proved to be a haven from the terrible weather Mr. Laxness encountered.
Fishing area:
No restrictions.
Access to the camping area can be bought.
Lodging might also be available at Sænautasel or at Skjoldolfsstodum that is about 20 km away from the lake.
Fishing potential:
Char is abundant in the lake, both small and large. The best place to catch is where the shallow and deep water meet.
Daily opening hours:
No restrictions.
May 1st to September 20th.
Only fly, worm and lure. All other bait is strictly forbidden.
Best time of the year:
The peak season is early summer, yet one might expect good catch all season.
It is possible to buy some refreshments at Sænautasel or even order a dinner in advance.
Littering is forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at Sænautasel and show both the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
Contact / landlord:
Lilja Óladóttir at Sænautasel. Tel: (+354) 892-8956 or (+354) 853-6491.
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