
(Lake Úlfljótur)



Úlfljótsvatn is located in Grímsnes-Grafningur in Árnessýsla, close to Iceland’s largest lake, Þingvallavatn, just a short drive from Selfoss, the main center of Árborg.

Distance from Reykjavik and the nearest township:

Distance from Reykjavík is about 70 km (or 65 km through Þingvellir) and 20 km from Selfoss.
The shortcut through Nesjavellir, where Reykjavik’s  geothermic plant is located, might be shorter, but the highways are recommended.

Practical information:

The lake covers an area of 2.45 km2 and rises to 80 m above sea level. The deepest point is at 20 m.

Fishing area:

Fishing is only allowed at the property of Orkuveita Reykjavikur, on the same side as the local church (west bank). 


Úlfljótsvatn is the National Boy Scout’s center and camping is usually available at their place, as well as access to recreational facilities (info at: www.ulfljotsvatn.is).  Hotels and lodgings are numerous in the vicinity, including hotels at Selfoss and Þingvellir.  Please also check at the Boy´s scout information center regarding accommodation.

Fishing potential:

Char and brown trout are numerous in the lake, with an average size of about 0.5 – 2 pounds.  The brown trout can be much bigger since it is the same type as in Lake Thingvellir, it can be up to 20 pounds.

Daily opening hours:

From 07:00 to 23:00.

Fishing season:

May 1st to September 30th.


Allowed bait: fly, worm and lure.  All other bait is strictly forbidden.

Best time of the year:

From mid-June to mid-August.


Littering and off-road driving is forbidden. Please keep you Fishing Card handy to show the landlord when checking. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
The catch must be announced by filling out a special form, available at the Úlfljótsvatn farm. One must especially mention if one catches a fish that is marked “Veiðimálastofnun”.  Please respect the bird life in the area, that is most sensitive until mid-June.
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