
(Lake Trout)



Urriðavatn is close to Egilsstaðir, the largest town in Eastern Iceland

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township

Distance from Reykjavik is 664 km and only 5km from Egilsstaðir.  Highways 1 and 925 run by the lake.

Practical information

The lake covers an area of 1,1km2 (0.42 miles2) and rises 40m above sea level. The lake is 15 m at deepest point. The creeks Hafralónslækur and Merkilækur are its main tributaries.

Fishing area

No restrictions. The best place for fishing is where the creeks enter the lake.


Camping is not allowed by the lake. You can buy camping permit at Skipalaek that is close to Lagarfljot.

Fishing potential: 

In the lake nemed after the brown trout, you can only catch char! The average size is about 1 pound.  The reason for the name is that it used to be a great brown trout lake, but not anymore.  The char can be quite nice.

Daily openings hours:

Fishing is allowed from dawn to dusk.


No restrictions.


All bait is allowed: fly, worm and lure.

Best time of the year: 

The best time is in the spring, when the ice has melted.


Littering and off-road driving is forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at Urridavatn farm and show both the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.

Contact / Landlord:

Jón Steinar Benjamínsson at Urriðavatn. Tel: (+354) 471-2060
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